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EcoScanTM Store Monitoring System

EcoScanTM Store control- A system of RFID hardware and software for monitoring the movement of your equipment in and out of an equipment store. This is a "system in a box" approach where the buyer can instal the system themselves. Just add a computer and you have a working system.

Many manufacturing companies keep specialised equipment and instruments in a special store which allows the equipment to be used by many users when their need dictates. For example the equipment might be power tools, specialised spanners, calibration standards etc. The equipment is used periodically, is fetched from the store when needed, and returned when finished. Tracking when the equipment is taken from the store, and by whom - and when it is returned when the task is completed is often haphazard.

The Trolley Scan EcoScanTM Store control system puts order into the process and provides a simple record.

How it works
Trolley Scan make a range of different shaped transponders that can be read at distances up to 10 meters by their fixed reader.

Transponders are fixed to the individual items of equipment. Each transponder broadcasts a unique number which references the item description in the database. Staff also carry a unique credit card sized transponders in their pocket which references their name in the database.

The reader is set up at the doorway to the store so that it provides a reading zone at the doorway detecting all transponders passing through the doorway and passing their identity information onto the reader.

The software

The software resides in the personal computer attached to the reader and provides the complete turnkey solution. It contains a database of all the items that are in the store and it contains a database of all the people who can take items out of the store. At any time, a person can query the database to find out if the item they want is in the store and its location, or who was the last person to take out the item so that they can speak to the person directly about when it will be returned.

The software updates automatically as people and equipment pass through the doorway.

The software also generates reports on request.

Transponders for equipment
Trolley Scan make a variety of transponders in different shapes and suitable for being attached to different items of equipment. The shape and size of these transponders vary from a credit card sized transponder, to a thin 16cm long thin wire laundry transponder to a notebook transponder which is a rubber tube 1 cm in diameter and 18cm long.

All of these transponders are compatible with the reader made by Trolley Scan and any type can be used to label the equipment.

Transponders for staff.
The transponders for the staff are credit card sized and can be carried in a pocket or out of sight. Due to their low power characteristics, they can be read up to 13 meters away from the reader. The transponders are passive (do not have a battery) and have a lifetime of more than ten years.

What the system does not do
This system is not developed to control theft. It is to provide a paper trail of equipment movement by trusted staff with minimal additional staff overheads and giving users the benefits of knowing who currently has the equipment they need or if it is in the store at the moment.

Interfacing with RFIDassetTM monitoring systems
To periodically check that all equipment is still in the premises and document its current location, the same transponders that are used to identify the equipment will also work with the RFIDasset tracking system where a Trolley Scan portable reader is used to identify and update asset register records for the capital register.

The above description is a brief summary of the data sheet. Click here to get a datasheet

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